About me

Ja sam ulični hodač…

* Years are very much provisionally here. I forgot most of the things to be honest.

** Check my LinkedIn page or somewhere else for proper CV.


2020. – Present


Senior Engineer



2020. – 2023.

Schuberg Philis

Contracted as Mission Critical Engineer



2019. – 2019.


Software Engineer



2018. – 2019.


Developer at SweetPay…



2016. – 2018.


Backend developer
Part of the Backend development team. In charge of the backend gaming services and entire backend infrastructure which is hosted on Amazon Web Services. Some of the services are: Riak, Redis, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Simple Queue Service, Simple Notification Service, S3, MySQL, PostgreSQL, RedShift, …




2011. – 2016.

Sourcefabric o.p.s.

Lead developer of Booktype
Booktype is a system for collaborative editing and book publishing.
As a lead developer managed the team of 5 people. Developed the architecture for Booktype Pro SaaS platform (integrated with WHMCS – http://www.whmcs.com/).

Worked on many parts of the platform – realtime web book editor, EPUB3 engine, integration with various web based editors, management of 1000+ SaaS instances, customer support, integration with various client environments (mainly publishers) and etc.




2007. – 2011.


IBM Informix consultant and technical support
ALFATEC Group is one of four european High Value Software distributors of IBM Informix. Most of the customers were from financial sector (banks, insurance companies) and government sector (Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Science and Education, Croatian Institute for Health Insurance, Croatian National Institute of Public Health, Ministry of, Croatian Post Office, …) in Croatia and Balkan region.

Was doing IBM Informix consulting, technical support, workshops and in some cases directly responsible for certain system. For instance 24/7/265 support for 1300+ dislocated over Croatia servers of Croatian Post Office and etc.



2006. – 2007.


Flossmanuals.net, Booki.cc

software developer
developing free software plugins on TWiki platform, developing free software called Booki for easy book production and self publishing.


software developer
developing http://www.regica.net/, biggest regional online system for domain registration. Doing the web interface, communication with domain registras, developing API for communication with CORE Internet Council of Registrars, online card payments processing, developing API for Croaian payment gateway and etc.)


software developer
developing online system for dislocated yacht charter to manage their bussiness and boat maintaince.



2004. –

Different Art stuff

software developer
I collaborated with some new media artists on couple of projects: Mailcircles, Wifio, Sir I Vrhnje, …

Some of the awards projects received:

    • Mailcircles – YOUNG GUNS 5 – ART DIRECTORS CLUB NY, USA (2006.)
    • Sir i Vrhnje: Golden Heel for Best in Interactive – MAGDALENA, Slovenia (2005.)
    • Sir i Vrhnje: Golden Bra for Best Website – MAGDALENA, Slovenia (2005.)




2002. – 2006.

Multimedijalni institut

software developer
Main developer of TamTam Wiki platform which had 100+ installations in different non government organisations in Croatia. Besides development was working on TamTam implementations and TamTam workshops.

Did all kind of websites for different organisations and individuals. One of the projects I enjoyed was custom CMS for Kulturpunkt portal.


2002. – 2004.


software developer
Worked on Flash based online multiuser games for VIP (Telecom company). Developing server side (Python and Twisted) system and logic plus network communication layer for client (JavaScript and Flash) and server.



1998. – 1999.

INA – Croatian Oil Company

web developer
The site was never published but still, I worked on their first version of Web site.





To be fair, I never participated a lot but I was always around for the first two years when the Croatian Linux User Group was established.



1996. – 1997.

Zagreb Informatics Club Association – UDIG

system administrator
I was hanging around and helping a bit since UDIG was founded. It had a classroom of 10 PCs serving as Windows clients and X-terminals, dial-in lines and a few UNIX computers.



1995. – 1998.

Rudjer Boskovic Institute in Zagreb

assistant at the computer center
Worked there as a student. In charge of installation and administration of several UNIX computers and local area network. Cooporated at two projects sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology. As part of the projects, in cooperation with the Institute library, assisted in the design of information system and helped maintain computer equipment (UNIX and Windows computers).



1993. – 1995.

My first e-mail

I got access to University computing centre while I was in high school. There was one DECstation 5000 reserved just for us and my first e-mail address happened to be aco@srce20.srce.hr. Got familiar with different versions of UNIX, Linux and all the wonderful things like IRC, Gopher, Web and XPilot.

Established first Internet e-zine in Croatia called Neukusni/Tasteless. First couple of issues were published under the name hr.alt.flame.




Got my first PC

I think it was Amstrad Schneider PC 1512 with GEM. It had Hercules graphic card (meaning it was black and white), 20MB hard drive and 51/4 floppy disks. It also had Locomotive Basic inside of GEM environment. That was amazing for GUI applications but I hame already fallen in love with Turbo Pascal!

At first in high school we had Ivel Ultra. It was Apple II compatible computer and we used UCSD Pascal for programming. Later on we got some PCs and we used Turbo Pascal.

First two years of high school and went to state computer competition. First year I made copy of Core War (not a single teacher figured out what it was) and 2nd year I wanted to be more professional so I made Graphical File Maneger for DOS.




Amiga 500 and Atari ST

Around this time a friend from school got Amiga 500. That was a game changer for me. Before that, when it comes to GUI, I only worked a bit on GEOS but Amiga blew me away! As it did with so many other people.

My neighbour, who happened to be much older than me used to ride dirt bikes and do some Clipper programming on his PC. I got my basic introduction into the world of dBase III with him and we did played a bit with his Atari 1040ST.

By that time we got Acer PC in our elementary school and we worked with GW Basic there. I also went to some regional computer competition with my school.




Got my first computer

My first computer was Commodore 64C. You could not buy it in Yugoslavia so I had it smuggled from Germany. First year I got it without tape recorder. What did I do? I looked at the magazines and tried to copy and make my own games in text mode. That was a lot of fun. Then I got tape recorder and started playing the games. First game I played on my Commodore? It was Batman and I think it was not Batman the Movie but rather Batman: The Caped Crusader. Later on I got cartridge (I think it was cartidge) with Simon’s Basic.

I did work with computers before. A friend of mine had ZX Spectrum, we had Orao in elementary school and I think one of my friends from school had Atari 400 or 800. The first game I ever played on a computer was Saboteur on ZX Spectrum. I used Orao for programming. Besides working in Basic I also did some elementary things in assembler.




I was born

Don’t remember much of it.